74 research outputs found

    Pembuatan Aplikasi Point of Sales Dan Online Shop Berbasis Web Menggunakan Framework Laravel

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    Trade is an activity of the transaction between seller and buyer. These transactions are usually in the form of exchange of money the buyer with the goods or services from sellers. For many people trading is also an opportunity to increase their profits. But they must be good at predicting consumer demand, to minimize expired goods that would result in losses and thus reduce profit for the company or shop.One of the quick solution to reduce the problems is to use software to predict the future of the cash flow in the store. So that can reduce the amount of loss of cash in the store because of run out of stocks or expired items.Point Of Sales is a software system that can record every transaction made by the seller and the buyer. This system can record every detail accurately

    Indexing Dan Searching Document Menggunakan Metode Semantic Suffix Tree Clustering Berbasis Android

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    Anroid smartphone device has been involved in user's way of living in this modern era. Smartphone device is used in user's daily activity such as reading and storing electronic document in Pdf, Word and other file formats. User might and frequently forgot elctronic document's directory in the smartphone.This research aims to help user to find documents that reflect user's keyword semantically or literally. Documents that reflect user keyword semantically or literaly will be shown. Various method is tested to minimize time use in clustering using suffix tree to semantic searching processes.This research finds that user could find documents in the smartphone that reflect user's keyword. Average time use for clustering about 100 documents containing 1000 word for each document is 686.7 seconds. User is able to search for document right after clustering process is done. Average time use for document searching is less than 2 seconds. Hence, thread implementation for processes decrease time consume greatly and the search result displayed to the user represents document content semantically

    Pembuatan Web Application Untuk Mendukung Pelayanan Asisten Tutor Di Universitas Kristen Petra

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    Tutor assistant is a term for students who serve new students in small groups, in a coaching program for new students known as Ethics Enrichment. Currently, every support tools that have been used by tutor assistants were printed. In comparison with the number of tutor assistants, the printing of support tools is a waste and not really practical, especially when compared to the advancement of technologies which actually can ease the service of tutor assistants.Web application was made with the purpose of helping tutor assistant service by providing a system that can be accessed across devices and can fulfill the needs of tutor assistants while doing their services. Some features in web application include material access, grade assignment, online attendance form and interactions with new students via sharing or meeting agreement form. Web application also use JSON Web Token to provide login service and email notifications if any content addition occur in web application.After doing some testing, it can be concluded that web application can be accessed nicely across devices. Survey also shows that web application answers the needs in providing a system that support the service of tutor assistants in Petra Christian University, with 59% of respondents agree that the web application is useful and 53% of respondents agree that web application as a whole has been good

    Pembuatan Prototype Presensi Kelas Menggunakan Teknologi Near Field Communication (Nfc) Pada Android

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    Saat ini, presensi kelas masih menggunakan kertas pada setiap perkuliahan. Daftar presensi sering kali diberikan kepada ketua kelas untuk mengedarkan presensi. Dosen hanya memberikan paraf hanya sebagai bukti jalannya perkuliahan tersebut dan tidak melakukan pengecekan kehadiran peserta. Sistem presensi yang dijalankan tidak menggunakan teknologi sebagai alat bantu.Berdasarkan latar belakang permasalahan itu, sistem presensi dirancang dengan menggunakan NFC sebagai alat bantu dosen untuk mengecek kehadiran mahasiswa dengan menggunakan perangkat Android. Sistem pengecekan dilakukan dalam bentuk total presensi pada tanggal tertentu maupun siapa saja yang hadir atau tidak hadir dalam perkuliahan tersebut. Mahasiswa dapat mengirimkan informasi presensi melalui NFC dan dapat mengecek jumlah kehadiran mahasiswa tersebut.Hasil yang diperoleh dari pengujian yang telah dilakukan, prototype ini dapat menjalankan sistem presensi melalui NFC, mengecek peserta yang hadir, dan mengecek jumlah kehadiran mahasiswa

    Perancangan Dan Pembuatan Aplikasi Pembelajaran Tata Surya Untuk Anak SMP Berbasis Android

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    Learning is a concept that reflects the learning process. Solar System is a collection of celestial objects which consists of a massive star called the sun, and all objects that surround it the objects are planets, satellites, asteroids, comets and meteors.Technology in learning has changed the way learning is different from the traditional learning process conducted by face-to-face interaction between teachers and students, so that technology in learning is defined as a medium for distributing information. Learning application can help the learning process to be innovative, interesting, and more interactive. In addition the process of learning can be done anywhere and anytime, and can increase student interest
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